The rules:
- Post 11 things about yourself.
- Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 more bloggers.
- Ask 11 questions for your nominees.
I think this is a great way to learn about other bloggers as well as discover new great blogs!
11 things about me: (1) I love musicals (movies and live performances) – Wizard of Oz and Mary Poppins were childhood favorites, and I’m a big Fred Astaire fan. (2) I interned with Discovery in 2011 and got to work on web content for Shark Week! (3) I prefer to eat organic, local, and/or fair trade. (4) I love trying weird foods (yup, I tried the haggis in Scotland and the black pudding in Ireland). (5) When flared pants first became popular when I was in middle school, I hated them – I wore “carpenter” jeans. (6) My musical preferences mostly fall under the genres indie rock, indie folk, and vocal jazz. (7) I have a not-so-secret desire to move to the Pacific Northwest (anyone know a company in need of a graphic/web designer? ). (8) I used to be terrified of dogs (even tiny ones), but now I adore them. (9) I’ve loved art all my life. My profession is graphic design, but I love painting, drawing, and pretty much everything else creative as well. (10) I love to write and was one class away from having a creative writing minor in college. (11) I enjoy hiking (one advantage of living in the foothills of the the Appalachian Mountains)…and climbing trees.
Answers to Hannah’s 11 questions:
- If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would you go and who would you take with you? – Right now I’m dreaming of Switzerland. I’d take either my sister, my mom, or my friend Hannah because I’ve traveled with them before and know they’re great travel companions.
- What is your dream job? – If I were to choose a job outside of my current field, I think I’d go with interior design. I love upcycling, renovating, organizing…and HGTV.
- What is your favorite book? – To Kill a Mockingbird. And the Harry Potter series. And everything F. Scott Fitzgerald. I could name books all day. I love to read.
- Favorite movie or TV show? – Doctor Who! I may be a fanatic.
- Favorite blog? – Delightfully Tacky for fashion, Design*Sponge for home/interiors, A Beautiful Mess for DIY, and DesignLoveFest for design.
- What did you want to be when you grew up? – When I was REALLY young, I wanted to be a hair stylist. Throughout most of elementary school, I wanted to be a travel agent. In high school, I got really into video production and wanted to be a post production editor.
- What is your favorite article of clothing? I have a purple and blue tie dye skirt that’s super comfy, yet really cute. It was my go-to Saturday piece in college, and I still love it.
- If you could have lunch with anybody, who would it be and why? – Because “famous” wasn’t specified, I’m going to say my closest friends from college because I miss them DESPERATELY!
- Favorite food? – avocados, mmmm (one of my favorite recipes is coming to the blog soon!)
- Favorite childhood memory? – My family went to Germany and Italy to visit my uncle in the Army when I was 9, and we went to Sandpoint, Idaho and Canada when I was 11 to visit my great grandparents. Both were amazing trips and are probably part of the reason I love traveling so much now.
How did you get started blogging? – Check out my Q&A and About Me!
My 11 nominations (some probably have over 200 followers, but I tried to choose blogs that are smaller – under 1000 I guess – that may have not had as much exposure as some of the better known fashion blogs around. I also wanted to choose blogs I actually enjoy myself):
- The Caffeinated Closet
- Life, Etc.
- Shen Dove Style
- Gray Skies
- Threads & Buttons
- Tessa Leigh
- Patterned Love
- Day to Day
- Small Town Big Wardrobe
- Dainty & Decadent
My 11 questions for you:
- What is your favorite color to wear?
- How would you spend your ideal day?
- What is your weirdest favorite food?
- What is the coolest thing that has ever happened to you or that you’ve done?
- mini, knee-length, midi, or maxi skirt – choose one.
- How/when did you develop an interest in fashion?
- Name three musicians/bands on your playlist.
- Do you have a funny childhood memory?
- Biggest pet peeve?
- Favorite animal?
- Where would you go for your dream vacation and what is one activity you’d like to do while there?
I loved reading through your responses and found a lot of new great blogs to read in your nominations! Yay!
Hi Maggie!
Thanks so much for the nomination
I just stumbled upon your blog through your comment, and I love it! Looks like we both started blogging around the same time!
Your welcome, and thanks for visiting my blog!
I came across yours when Ruche posted about you on Facebook, I think. I really enjoyed looking through you archives.
I love getting to know people through these! I love avocados as well
Can’t get enough!